About Us

How It All Began


Buckeye Water District No. 50, Inc. was established May 25, 1971. The original Board of Directors were:

  • Cameron Hudson
  • Roy Miller
  • Calvin Welch
  • Luther Sanson
  • Robert Sills
  • Bert Paul
  • Alton Price
  • Harold Floyd

The system was established with two (2) water wells and two (2) 100,000 gallon storage tanks. There was approximately 120 miles of main water lines to serve 750 meters. The minimum water rate was $5.50.

The System Today in 2024

The current Board of Directors are:

  • David Richey, President
  • Blake Jenkins, Vice President
  • Lloyd Price, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Tonya Paul Backe
  • Wayne Brown
  • Michael Barfield
  • Ty Gunter
  • Roy Mays

Buckeye Water District currently has 5 active water wells (2 of which are the original wells), two (2) elevated storage tanks, two (2) ground storage tanks and 150+ miles of main water lines. A monthly average of active meters is 4,051.  The current minimum water rate is $14.25 for 2,000 gallons of water.  This increase went into effect April 1, 2024.  This is only a $8.75 increase in 53 years.  We credit this to good management practices, a dedicated Board of Directors, an excellent, well trained/certified staff and YOU the customer for reporting leaks, any suspicious activity and paying your bills on time. 

Buckeye Water is continuously upgrading the system. We work very closely with the Louisiana Department of Health/Office of Public Health, the EPA and Louisiana Rural Water Association. Our website, www.buckeyewaterdistrict50.com is available to you to make payments, sign up for alerts and recent news.  Please call our office anytime you have questions, want to make a phone payment or have a complaint.

We are sure the original Board of Directors would be proud of the way the system has progressed, provided the customers with good water and maintained the rates as we have done. 






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